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The Finnish Nursing Congress & Exhibition

The Finnish Nursing Congress & Exhibition 2-3 Oct 2024

Finland’s largest nursing education and exhibition event consists of an extensive lecture program and a diverse exhibition showcasing various stakeholders in the field.

Theme: Strenghten your skills

The Finnish Nursing Congress and Exhibition consists of an extensive lecture program and a diverse exhibition showcasing various stakeholders in the field. The lectures cover not only clinical topics but also themes such as patient safety, leadership, and work culture. Additionally, expert panels provide broad insights into the current state and future of nursing. The lectures are held in Finnish.

The lecture program is organized by the Finnish Nurses Association.

Simultaneously, the Good Age, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation events are held

On October 2nd to 3rd, 2024, at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre, three complementary events will take place simultaneously: the Finnish Nursing Congress & Exhibition, the elderly care event Good Age, and Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation. These events are located in different halls and form a comprehensive and multidisciplinary event for healthcare professionals. By registering as a visitor to Finnish Nursing Exhibition, you gain access to all events.

Klinikka-stage programme offers fresh insights and informative sessions

The free stage program at the exhibition area highlights current topics in public discourse. The program includes discussions on topics such as career development and learning opportunities for nurses, diverse work environments, pain and maintaining hope for dying individuals in palliative care, and technological solutions in nursing care. The stage programme is only in Finnish.

Exhibition Area

The exhibition area at Finnish Nursing Exhibition is firmly rooted in the everyday practicalities of nursing, offering a diverse range of the industry’s best expertise from various exhibitors!

In the exhibition area, you’ll have the opportunity to see and experience concrete information and skills beneficial to nurses from different companies and professionals in the field.

Explore the latest product and service solutions, network with industry stakeholders, and enjoy the event’s atmosphere in a relaxed manner with your colleagues! The exhibition area is free for visitors but requires registration.

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